San Antonio's LGBTQ+ and Friends Chorus!

Mission Statement

Live Oak Singers of San Antonio, a LGBTQ+ and friends chorus, serves the community by opening hearts & minds to love and acceptance through the power of music. 

About The Chorus

In February 2014 a task force was formed with the goal of creating a new LGBTQ+ & friends chorus in San Antonio.  Headed by founding artistic director, Ron Casola, it was not long before rehearsals started in March of that same year.


Initially, the chorus sang for various local organizations all with the goal of building bridges across varying communities through music.  During this first season preparations were also being made for our first holiday concert, “Twisted Family Holiday”.  


Twisted Family Holiday was performed on December 13th & 14th, 2014 at Madison Square Presbyterian Church and was a great success.  Not too long after, the Live Oak Singers joined forces with the Capital City Men’s Chorus (now the Austin Gay Men’s Chorus) for a joint concert.


From the very beginning relationships and bridges have been formed uniting various communities across our city and state through the medium of music.  Today, the Live Oak Singers continue collaborating and forging new relationships as we strive to unite all in song. 

History Behind the Name

During the very first steering committee meeting for Live Oak Singers, the forming members were sitting outside at a local park.  Many names were discussed but nothing seemed to fit quite right.  It was then that a member suggested “Live Oak Singers” as it just so happened they were all sitting under an oak tree.  The tree for which we are named offers many symbols which show just how integral each member of our organization is.

Strong Roots:  Our Volunteers & Donors
Supportive Trunk:  Our Leadership & Members
Branches:  Our outreach to various communities
Acorns:  Our patrons & external supporters.

All of these elements are vitally important for the longevity of this organism that is Live Oak Singers.  We are strong and enduring when we work together!

In Memory of
Ron Casola

April 1948 – February 2017

Founding Artistic Director of Live Oak Singers


Ron founded Live Oak Singers in 2014 and brought to San Antonio his years of experience in non-profit work as well as his vast knowledge in vocal performance and conducting.


To know Ron Casola, was to know laughter and joy. His infectious smile and presence lit up any room and drew others to what would become the Live Oak Singers.


Ron had a passion for music and a desire to bridge communities through song. His passion and desire live on through the mission and work of Live Oak Singers.


If you attend a performance of Live Oak Singers, you will more than likely here the song, “Why We Sing”. It is an anthem for our chorus that was left for us by Ron and first performed at his celebration of life in San Antonio. In singing it we remember Ron and continue in the mission of building bridges through music.

Ron, we love you and miss you!

Why We Sing

by Greg Gilpin

A sound of hope, a sound of peace, a sound that celebrates and speaks what we believe.

A sound of love, a sound so strong, it’s amazing what is given when we share a song.

Sooth a soul, mend a heart, bring together lives that have been torn apart.

Share the joy, find a friend, it’s a never – ending gift that circles back again.

Music builds a bridge, it can tear down a wall! Music is a language, that can speak to one and all!

This is why we sing, why we lift our voice, why we stand as one in harmony!

This is why we sing, why we lift our voice, take my hand and sing with me!

This is why we sing, we sing, we sing!

Rehearsal Location

Covenant Presbyterian Church (Choir Room)
1761 Northwest Loop 410
San Antonio, TX 78213

Mailing Address

Live Oak Singers
2186 Jackson Keller Rd
Box #237
San Antonio, TX 78213

Phone/Text:  210.802.6417


